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Quick Start

Hello my friend πŸ‘‹ Welcome onboard πŸ›³

Suiet wallet kit is a wallet aggregator for DApps to interact with all the wallets in SuiπŸ’§ ecosystem easily. πŸ₯³

Let's try our kit and empower your dapp in minutes. πŸͺ„


Sui has released devnet 0.29 and introduced a bunch of new features as well as breaking changes. As a professional wallet kit, we also followed up the changes and upgraded our version to 0.2.x.

So We recommend you to walk through our Migration Guide To 0.2.x.

⭐️ Have fun with Demo Playground

πŸ”¨ Setup​

First of all, let's install the npm package @suiet/wallet-kit to your project.

npm package:

npm install @suiet/wallet-kit
# or
yarn add @suiet/wallet-kit
# or
pnpm install @suiet/wallet-kit

Next, make sure @mysten/sui is installed in your project. If not, install it as well.

npm install @mysten/sui
# or
yarn add @mysten/sui
# or
pnpm install @mysten/sui

Then wrap your <App /> with our context provider, so that our hooks can work nicely inside your dapp.

Oh don't forget to import our css to enable default styles 🎨

import {WalletProvider} from '@suiet/wallet-kit';
import '@suiet/wallet-kit/style.css';

// take react@18 project as an example

By default, suiet kit will load all the preset wallets to the listπŸ’‘

If you want to customize the wallet list, please refer to Customize Wallet List

πŸ•Ή Place ConnectButton​


We recommend to use hooks together with our components. But if you want to use our hooks only with your customized UI components, follow the instruction #Use Hooks Only

Just import our <ConnectButton /> and place it to wherever you like, such as Header.

import {ConnectButton} from '@suiet/wallet-kit';

const App = () => {
return (
... />

πŸͺ Use Wallet Capabilities​

After your dapp connects to a wallet that supports Sui wallet-standard, your dapp is already empowered and able to call wallet capabilities.πŸŽ‰

Please explore the docs for further usage information πŸ’‘

import {useWallet} from '@suiet/wallet-kit';
import {Transaction} from "@mysten/sui/transactions";

const App = () => {
const wallet = useWallet()

useEffect(() => {
if (!wallet.connected) return;
console.log('connected wallet name: ',
console.log('account address: ', wallet.account?.address)
console.log('account publicKey: ', wallet.account?.publicKey)
}, [wallet.connected])

// launch a move call for the connected account via wallet
async function handleMoveCall() {
const tx = new Transaction();
const packageObjectId = "0x1";
target: `${packageObjectId}::nft::mint`,
arguments: [tx.pure.string("Example NFT")],
await wallet.signAndExecuteTransaction({
transaction: tx,

// launch a move call for the connected account via wallet
async function handleSignMessage() {
await wallet.signPersonalMessage({
message: new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World"),

return (<.../>)

Continue to BUIDL your amazing dapp and join the incoming Sui-nami! 🌊

πŸ“š More Tutorials​

Check out this section: #Tutorials

πŸ’§ Demo Playground​

Feel free to play with our Demo Playground πŸ”— (Github repo)

🀝 Trusted by great Sui projects​